Rocky Knoll Farm
Phlox divaricata - Blue Moon (Woodland Phlox)
Blue Moon Phlox is a fantastic perennial that grabs attention in any landscape or garden. You can see the marvelously vibrant blue to lavender colored flowers in our photos, but it is also fragrant! Butterflies and hummingbirds both love the attractive blooms, which usually show in spring and into early summer depending on growing conditions. This plant even has great dark green spear-shaped foliage.
Versatile and easy to grow, Blue Moon Phlox likes partly to filtered shade, but is also known to be shade tolerant. This plant can tolerate clay soils but prefers well-draining soil, and can be drought tolerant once established. It is deer resistant and hardy to -25°F when protected from windchill. Growing up to 2' tall and 3' wide, it is an excellent choice for undergrowth, planters, ground cover, rock gardens, slopes and more. If you have a large area, this phlox is excellent for mass planting that can result in an incredible blue carpet. In moist climates, it can be beneficial to prune seasonally after blooms are spent.